Wonder Wave Records start its journey and operation in March 2023. In order to achieve our goal and mission, we work hard towards one vision. From various department, role and functions, we will need more hand and talent. Therefore, if you’re interested to join our team, do your internship or become one of our project advisor/ consultant, feel free to contact us and we will get back to you soon.

Career opportunities are available for full time, contract, part time and by hours (for events crew). Our working hours are flexible and does not require you to be at the desk all time. You may work remotely. Since our core business are media, entertainment and creativity focus, we honor you by your creative work and ideas.

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Thank your dropping by to our page. This is a great way to offer you more ability to get in touch. Stay connected and our WonderTeam shall reply to your inquiries. For any additional info, please email us at hi@wonderwaverecords.com